Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Examples of Metaphors and Similes

1. Life is a highway.
2. Life is like a highway.
3. Her home was a prison.
4. His skin was as cold as ice.
5. He was a lion in the fight.
6. He fought like a lion.
7. John is a real pig when he eats.
8. John eats like a pig.
9. These cookies taste like garbage.
10. They fought like cats and dogs.
11. He was a tornado, blasting his way through the opposing team.
12. She ate like a horse.

2. Simile
3. Metaphor
4. Simile
5. Metaphor
6. Simile
7. Metaphor
8. Simile
9. Simile
10. Simile
11. Metaphor
12. Simile

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