Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Tutoring

The roads were cleared and the sun was shining... all prepared this this weekend's new snowstorm.

You have made great progress with Minimal Pairs and I'll be adding more YouTube videos now that my cold is over. The "Sounds of American English" was very helpful and we found some more troublesome words. Thank you so much for sharing your presentation about Tet Holiday. I know that the students at Orchard Ridge will find it very interesting. I know I did. Step by Step's lesson about "a little" and "a few" was very helpful. I'm so glad that you brought up your question about "let's." Please continue to ask your questions.

Thank you so much for the Ong THo suggestion. Will try it with the Agar-Agar when my son comes for the Holidays.

Also, great job on your resume!

Homework for Friday, December 17.

1. Listen to Voice of America's program, "Scientists Search for New clues about Parkinson's Disease" and write 5 sentences about the program.
2. Watch the video about Coconut Cake and write your recipe for the cake. I've added a link to a website that will convert metric measurements to English measurements.
3. Read and study pages 7 to 12 in the Driver's Manual. We'll have a sample test next week.
4. Practice Minimal Pairs and Troublesome Words.

Enjoy your week!

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